Sunday, August 26, 2007

Upcoming topics...

So there are a number of topics that have come up recently in discussion and need to be addressed in online posts...

1) What is the halacha about cheese without hasgacha? A good article can be found at: - In summary, there are several reasons that Chazal (as early as the mishna - Avoda Zara 29b and 35a) prohibited consuming non-Jewish cheese. But - there was a debate amongst the rishonim as to whether or not the prohibition applied when the reasons for it were gone. According to Rabbeinu Tam the prohibition only applies when the reason for it isn't present - and he held the primary reason was that the cheese could be left uncovered and a snake might leave it's venom in it - thus he ruled non-jewish cheese to be kosher barring other porblems. But the Rambam says the prohibition stands regardless of the presence of its antecedent.

2) Research on acceptability of halal slaughter. I've heard rumours some poskim once ruled that halal meat was acceptable for the kosher consumer. Is this true? More research is needed. Anyone have sources?

3) We could use a clarification of the Ben Yomo rules (read: leniencies)...