Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Kosher Kisses?

Do our kisses have kosher status?

Seriously, do kisses - do lips, do tongues - carry milk or meat status form the foods we eat? Could someone even have a 'treif' mouth if they ate something I wouldn't be comfortable eating?

Say my wife and I are eating a meal together - but she has a steak and I have ice cream - can we simply rinse our mouths, make out, then return to our respective foods, with the occaisional l'chaim to cleanse and kiss between bites?

Do I have to wait six hours to lose the meat status in my mouth (or one hour or three or whatever I hold?), or do I have to rinse it? Can the status of my mouth change without doing birkat hamazon? Are open and closed mouths treated differntly in this respect?

Or perhaps there is nothing to worry about and this is all just a little overboard.

Let's look into this and bring back answers.

Please respond with your halachic sources or stories.

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